Mike’s Schedule 7/23-7/24

THURSDAY JULY 23rdThis is the Last THURSDAY NIGHT we will be doing at KONOBA! 7-10 It is an open mic so singers bring your own mic if you can. If not I have plenty of Alcohol wipes to kill any germs on anything so no worries!. I’ll start at 7 and play til like 8 or 8:30 then we’ll bring up some of the local talent to rock your world!Oh KONOBA is at 46 Gerard Street Huntington NY 11743 (631) 824-7712 https://konobahuntington.com is their website and https://www.facebook.com/konobahuntington/ is for Facebook

FRIDAY JULY 24th BAR PETITE! 6:30-9:30  56 Stewart Ave. Huntington NY 11743 (631) 759-7619 https://barpetite-li.comis Their Website and https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Tapas-Bar—Restaurant/Bar-Petite-835746580117380/is for Facebook! Hey! It might be Petite but the Flavor, Drinks, and Music are HUGH!!

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